

terketuk untuk menulis setelah blogwalking dalam rangka menyelesaikan presentasi ekonomi pembangunan

2013 ini terasa sangat tidak produktif dalam hal blogging. bayangin, ini udah bulan desember, 3 days away from 2014 and i only got 8 (9, including this one) blog posts. hidup di belahan bumi bagian manakah kau, irma.

balik lagi ke post yang ditulis pas awal 2013, seperti biasa ada resolusi di dalamnya. hard to say but i failed most of them. Alhamdulillah ngga DO, alhamdulillah naik tingkat, tapi IP sama IPKnya masih kurang memuaskan. now it's up to me whether to improve or to stay the way i used to. berubah memang susah, dan masih terasa susah walaupun sudah ditampar berkali-kalli.

masalah gitar, realisasi masih 0 haha. sempet nyobain gitar temen beberapa bulan yang lalu, dan kaget karena tangan udah berasa kaku banget bahkan buat mainin chord-chord sederhana. sedih.

untuk baik lebih rajin dan lebih baik, rasanya relatif. (bilang aja ngehindar dari kata-kata lo emang tambah males ma)

on the other hand, i've turned 20. welcome to the young adult club! lol. some of my younger friends found the fact that now i'm 20 is mindblowing and keep asking "how does it feel to be 20?". i resort for "age is just a number" as the answer. haha, ya emang harus jawab apa? gaada yang drastically changed kok. gue ga tiba2 nemuin keriput di deket mata atau uban di antara rambut gue. anyway, "you all will turn 20; it's about time. it's just my turn came faster than you guys`" was my another answer.

and for 2014, well i anticipate you but i'm not that eager to welcome you? haha. tbh ngga punya resolusi baru selain resolusi standar buat doing well in school. tapi akhir-akhir ini sempet kepikiran, I want to be a good person. good person ini bisa diartikan macem-macem sih. sempet kepikiran : "I want to be that kind of person who could make others feel at ease when they're with me." atau pernah juga kepikiran "I want to be a selfless person." well, it seems like it isn't easy??

2013, it's been a quiet nice year. some things fell apart, some things turned prettier. even though i still have this silly thought of how my 2013 isn't as nice as my 2012, i'm still thankful somehow.

so, an advance happy new year greeting?? hehe, happy new year guys!

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